Mario Bros or also known as Mario, Super Mario or SMB is a platform game developed and published by Nintendo in late 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This game brings a great influence on the development of home entertainment and is one of the best-selling game with sales of more than 40 million copies to date.
With the background of the game is bright and evolving storyline, Mario Bros. managed to change the face of the video game industry. Although often incorrectly perceived as scrolling platform game (scrolling) first which in reality does not exist half a dozen similar game that had appeared previously. Super Mario Bros can be considered a pioneer of the type of game for game console media. By presenting different levels in each half as well as the development of a unique character, the game has become one of the standard in home video games.
Players will play as Mario, a mustachioed man wearing red overalls with brown shirt. For a two-player mode, the game done changed to control both as a brother Luigi Mario. Luigi look almost the same as his brother, but different colors with white overalls and green shirt. The game objective is to explore the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser destroy and fight soldiers, and rescue Princess Toadstool at the end of the level. download game mario version
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